Five Free Landscape Management Software and Tools to Boost Productivity

landscape management software

Introducing new technology to your landscaping business may feel overwhelming at times – but it doesn’t have to be! Sure, one option is to invest a hefty sum of cash into new tech. However, you can also ease your team into it slowly thanks to free landscape management software and services available at your fingertips.

Check out our list of five free landscape management software and tools to boost your landscaping company’s productivity.


Trello for Landscaping Project Management 

Trello isn’t a landscaping management software, but it is an amazing project management software.

The beauty here is how simple it is to customize Trello for your needs. Your entire landscaping crew can collaborate on upcoming jobs, track the tasks for projects that are currently in progress, create boards to optimize the workflow, and so much more. This software also allows you to automate certain tasks, like keeping track of upcoming due dates.

Additionally, if your team already uses certain cloud software for bids and customer proposals, you’re in luck. Trello integrates with Calendars, Google Drive, Dropbox, and Slack, to name a few add-ons. Sync the software with these external tools to sync the flow of incoming quotes, estimates, plant lists, etc.

Did we say it’s free? Your business may be on the smaller side and looking to benefit from a landscape management software. Trello offers a great free package to get you started without the financial commitment.


GoMaterials for Wholesale Plant Sourcing

You know us as your go-to for all your wholesale plant sourcing needs… but have you checked out our online platform?

GoMaterials offers an integrated procurement service as well as an easy-to-use web platform to track your quotes and orders. Our platform gives you a place to see all your quotes and orders in real time.

Of course, this is completely free for landscaping companies. This is a perfect option for commercial landscaping businesses looking to streamline procurement and who want all their sourcing information accessible in a cohesive space!


Kickserv for Landscape Management

Kickserv’s field service software is tailored to the landscaping industry and offers a straightforward and user-friendly interface. They’re not some new kids on the block, they’ve been around serving those looking for landscaping management software for a solid 20 years.

Similar to other options on this list, Kickserv integrates with Google add-ons, calendars, and your email servers to allow multi-platform synchronization. That being said, if you decide you want to integrate it further into your business, Kickserv can do it. They provide countless options to answer any need your landscaping company has.


Fergus for Managing a Small Landscape Business

Landscaping businesses on the smaller side may be interested in Fergus. Their field service management software is specific to teams of under 50 employees. Once again, this software is geared towards the trades, so landscapers may find it one of the more attractive options out there.

With Fergus, it’s easy to build quotes and estimates, as well as reconcile POs from suppliers. The interface is simple and attractive, helping you easily track your progress.

The free option is great for newcomers in the industry looking for landscape management software solutions. You can get started at 10 jobs per month tracked with Fergus, with the option for paid plans for more jobs.


Slack to Communicate with Your Landscaping Crew 

Not ready to take the plunge on advanced software? Consider a simple tool like Slack to improve your productivity!

Slack’s desktop and cell phone apps are both seamless and can easily be used in tandem. You can create different ‘channels’ for crews assigned to specific jobs or for entire teams. Channels in Slack are the easiest way to coordinate and share information. Sync the app with your Google calendar and everyone will benefit from automatic notifications about upcoming jobs or maintenance appointments.

More so, your team may easily share pictures of completed jobs and add details about plant material quality. Keep everyone up to date in real-time. Nothing is more productive than addressing and solving problems instantly.

To sum it up, you don’t always need to spend or invest a lot in software to change the way you work. Creative thinking is invaluable. Spending some time to adapt to free tools saves you money and benefits you just as much as high-end software available on the market.


Looking for a more mainstream landscaping software option? Check out our blog on landscaping project management software.

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