Are Landscaping Events Making a Comeback in 2021?
Postponed! No, canceled! Scratch that, now virtual! These words were plastered all over landscape industry events and trade show websites last year. Covid affected our industry in so many ways, and our much-loved shows and events were no different.
While virtual events were a definite lifesaver, nothing matches the energy in the room at landscaping trade shows. We are, after all, an industry literally built from real plants, stones, brick, and mortar. 2021 is a new year though and the question on everyone’s mind is: What’s happening with landscape industry events? We’re giving you a run-down!
USA (Click to go directly to US Events)
Canada (Click to go directly to Canada Events)
Read the full post below to learn which events are happening in person, which ones have been postponed, and which ones can be found virtually for the rest of 2021!
2021 Landscaping industry events in the US
ProGreen Expo (Virtual / on-demand)
- When: February 22 to 25, 2021
- Where: Virtually at
Video access is available until May 22nd, 2021! The ProGreen Expo typically reunites over 6000 green industry professionals in the Rocky Mountain Region.
Nursery / Landscape Expo (In Person)
- Where: San Antonio, Texas
- When: August 5 to 7, 2021
They say everything is bigger in Texas, and that proves to be true for the Nursery and Landscape Expo. This trade show and educational conference is the self-proclaimed “family reunion” of the green industry in Texas. Gathering over 1000 exhibits, they showcase upcoming trends, products, and services in the landscaping industry.
The Landscape Show (In Person)

- Where: Orlando, Florida
- When: August 25 to 27, 2021
After last year’s cancellation, the theme this year is “Together Again,” honoring the return to (somewhat) normalcy. The Landscape Show is one of the most significant nursery and landscaping events in the country, bringing together 7000 visitors to network and get a firsthand look at industry must-haves. Spread among almost five acres of show space, exhibits feature nurseries, landscaping materials, ornamental trends and anything else you could possibly need for your landscaping business.
Lawn and Landscape Technology Conference (In Person)
- Where: Orlando, Florida
- When: August 31 to September 2, 2021
This conference presents the leading landscaping and pest control technology available on the market. They’ll be hosting sessions that break down how technological advancements can be integrated into your landscaping business. Some examples from their schedule include how to use social media to benefit your business, digital marketing strategies, as well as a look at software options.
- GoMaterials compiled a list of the most popular landscaping project management software for you to get your feet wet before this event. A rising trend in the landscaping industry in 2021 is technological integration. If you’re not sure how to go about incorporating technology into your business, this show is a great starting point.
LANDSCAPES 2021 (In Person)
- Where: Louisville, Kentucky
- When: October 19 to 21, 2021
This educational conference happens at the same time as the GIE+EXPO. Landscaping professionals can hone their industry knowledge and network while they visit one of the largest trade shows on the continent.
If you missed last year’s virtual event, you can still access it on their website until October 2021!
GIE+EXPO (In Person)
- Where: Louisville, Kentucky
- When: October 20 to 22, 2021
Not yet comfortable with indoor events, but don’t want to miss out on the trade show circuit? GIE+EXPO has you covered with over 1000 exhibits that are both indoors and outdoors.
The event brings together lawn and garden products, landscaping equipment, machinery and the latest tech for landscaping professionals. Outdoor areas will showcase mechanical equipment and feature demo areas for you to test and compare products, as well as tracks to test drive UTVs.
Certain landscaping events set to take place in the earlier months of 2021 were canceled due to safety concerns for the virus. Time to mark your calendars, because this is who we need to catch up with in early 2022!
The Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show (MANTS)

- Where: Baltimore Convention Center
- When: January 5-7, 2022
MANTS is yet another go-to event for the horticulture industry, with a 50-year long tradition. In 2021, MANTS was canceled due to the unavailability of the Baltimore Convention Center. The center has been temporarily converted into a State of Maryland Field Hospital. MANTS will be back next year, however. Save the date!
Tropical Plant International Expo – TPIE 2021 (Postponed to 2022)
- Where: Tampa, Florida
- When: January 20 to 22, 2021
January 19 to 21, 2022
The place to be and be seen, this event sets the tone for tropical plant and foliage trends. Buyers and exhibitors come from all around the world to show their wares in the almost 5 acres of show space.
Northeast Texas Nursery Growers Association 27th Annual Trade Show (Postponed to 2022)
- Where: Arlington, Texas
- When: February 4 and 5, 2021
February 3 and 4, 2022
This trade show brings together nurseries and landscaping supply businesses around Northeastern Texas. It’s a great opportunity to network with regional landscaping industries and see what the local nurseries have planned for the upcoming season.
Landscape New Jersey Trade Show and Conference (Postponed to 2022)

- Where: Secaucus, New Jersey
- When: February 24, 2021
February 23, 2022
One of the larger events in the Northeastern United States, this event showcases green industry trends in planting, equipment, hardscapes, and more. The draw isn’t only in exhibits, the show will also feature recognized speakers from backgrounds ranging from academia to industry pros.
Nor Cal Landscape and Nursery Show (Postponed to 2022)
- Where: San Mateo, California
- When: February 25, 2021 (TBD, 2022)
The horticulture and landscaping industries come together from all over the west coast for this trade show. Neither the seminars, nor the exact date of the 2022 event have been announced yet, but we can guess it will be sometime in February based on past years.
2021 Landscape industry events in Canada
Landscape Ontario Congress Trade Show and Conference (Virtual / on-demand)
- When: January 12 to 14, 2021.
- Where: Virtually at
Video access will be available for 1 year on their platform. Log on to see the exhibits that were showcased and the conferences that were held.
Expo Quebec (Likely to be Virtual)
- When: Dates yet to be announced (Mostly in November)
- Where: (Likely to be virtual in 2021)
Expo Quebec went virtual in 2020 due to Covid, and so far they haven’t announced the program for this year. However, considering the pandemic it may still be virtual this year. We recommend setting up a Google alert to track any news about it.
To Sum it Up for Landscaping Events…
Going virtual worked while travel and gatherings were restricted. The shift to online spaces may even prove to be a lasting trend… in part. Online educational sessions are a great way to catch up throughout the year. Though it can’t be denied — the energy is palpable when you speak with other landscapers and green industry pros about upcoming landscaping trade shows. As the weather warms and we see the light at the end of the vaccine tunnel, we’re eager to meet face-to-face again.
Especially for the events happening in person, you may want to reserve your tickets early as they are likely to be popular after our pandemic-induced hibernation.
So book your booth, plan your hotel stay, and buy your tickets! We’ll see you there!
Which industry trade shows are your industry peers planning to visit this year? Take part in our 2021 survey to find out.